Asia Cup
Asia Cupとはアジア地区のグッピークラブが協力し合って開催するグッピーコンテストです。WGCとの違いは小中規模での開催で個人戦プラス団体戦(国別orクラブ対抗)をとり入れることです。具体的には参加国より30pr(仮)程度のグッピーを出品して頂き、個人戦と団体戦(国別orクラブ対抗)の2項目で競い合います。また新たに創作部門を設けます。創作部門(オリジナル溢れるもの対象)は人気投票での1位、2位、3位を確定する方法で、グッピー愛好家の裾野を広げることを目標とします。2021年の開催を目指します。
Asia Cup is a guppy contest organized by guppy clubs in Asia. The difference with WGC is that it is small and medium sized and incorporates individual competition + group competition (country or club competition). More specifically, we will have 40 pairs of guppy from 30 pairs from participating countries, and compete in two categories: individual and group competitions (by country or by club). We will also create a creative department. The creative division (targeted for the originals) aims to broaden the base of guppy lovers in a way to determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the popularity poll. Aim to be held in 2021.
Countries that want to ask for cooperation.
China | |
Indonesia | |
Malaysia | |
Philippines | |
Singapore | |
Taiwan | |
Thailand |
Eddie Lee (Taiwan)
Yeoh Choon Pin (Malaysia)
Shacynne Anne Sarroza (Philippines)
Andrew Lim (Malaysia)
Please contact us if you can support us.